A Grand Autumn Adventure Awaits...
As the leaves turn to hues of amber and gold, we invite you to experience the charm of autumn at the Grand Central Hotel.
Settle into your lavish room or suite high above the city, warm up with a coffee at the Grand Café, and take a stroll along the tree-lined streets and lawns of City Hall, adorned with the colours of the season.
In the evening, delight in the flavours of fall with our chef's specially curated menus at the Seahorse Restaurant and Grand Café. Relax with a nightcap in the Observatory, where you can enjoy marvellous views overlooking the glistening lights of the city.
With our enviable location, exceptional service, and extraordinary views across Belfast and beyond, the Grand Central Hotel will transform your city break into a glamorous autumn escape.
Explore our exclusive autumn offerings below.
Settle into your lavish room or suite high above the city, warm up with a coffee at the Grand Café, and take a stroll along the tree-lined streets and lawns of City Hall, adorned with the colours of the season.
In the evening, delight in the flavours of fall with our chef's specially curated menus at the Seahorse Restaurant and Grand Café. Relax with a nightcap in the Observatory, where you can enjoy marvellous views overlooking the glistening lights of the city.
With our enviable location, exceptional service, and extraordinary views across Belfast and beyond, the Grand Central Hotel will transform your city break into a glamorous autumn escape.
Explore our exclusive autumn offerings below.